January 2, 2010


Wow, it's already 2010. 2009 went by relatively quickly, but it was an amazing year. Sure there were ups and downs - as there are with every year - but this was most certainly a memorable year. I met so many new and amazing people, and had plenty of fun nights - even if I can't remember all of them.

Hopefully 2010 can top 2009.

I love New Years day. For me, it always consists of recovering from the night before and watching the Honeymooners Marathon. People say I remind them of Jackie Gleason - because I'm funny and fat.

I got my Simpsons 365 day calendar. 2010 can officially start.

I guess I gotta make a New Years Resolution. I try to make them relatively general because I usually end up breaking them anyways. One resolution that I have to do this year is to lose 15 pounds - fucking Eagles. Any other ideas for a New Years Resolution?

I thought of some New Years Resolutions;

Try to swear less.
Try not get angry at every little thing I don't like - I'm told I have quite a temper.
Try not to complain about every little thing - I bitch a lot.
Try to lower my stress level.

Hopefully I can actually keep them this year.


  1. i'll see your 15 pounds and raise you 5, meaning we both gotta lose 20, deal?
