April 2, 2010

Good vs. Evil

I'm really trying to find out whether I'm a nice guy or not. I'd like to think I am a good guy, but I seriously think I'm just overall an asshole. People have actually told me that I've turned them into heartless asshole! It's like the angel and devil are at a constant war on my shoulders and I never know who's winning.

Sometimes I just wake up thinking to myself, "Today I feel like being a nice guy!"

And other times I'm like, "I just feel like being a fucking dick to everyone today!"

I'm sure everyone has these kind of days, but I'm seriously thinking if I'm actually a good guy or not. And I don't mean nice in the sense of me being sweet and nice to everyone I know, but nice in the sense of me an overall good person to everyone - not just the ones I love. Sometimes I debate whether or not I'm really as heartless as people think I am.

Feedback would be appreciated!

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