April 27, 2009

Swine Flu

HOLY SHIT! We're all going to fucking die!


The swine flu is not as big as the media is making it out to be. So far there have only been 40 cases in the United States. 40 cases! 60,000 people die from the flu every year and we're worried about 40 people getting sick? I can just imagine people on the subway wearing surgical masks on the train just like when we saw people in China with the whole SARS scare. People are making this a way bigger problem than it actually is. And now the World Health Organization is talking about a pandemic. Funny how as soon as they do that, the stock of the company that makes the vaccine shoots up 70%. Weird huh?


  1. Can you please take pictures of all the fashion masks on Bedford?
    You know some glittery hip kid made one.
