March 28, 2009

Have You Ever Had Nigerian Food?

...Neither have they.

March 24, 2009

I Had a Dream That Blake Griffin Dunked On Me.

In my dream, I suddenly appear on a basketball court. My team misses a shot and Oklahoma is on the fast break. I start running back to defend. I see Blake Griffin dribbling the ball towards me. I actually get scared. I try to take a charge and he takes flight. I suddenly wake up.

One of My New Favorite Shows.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend watching it.

'nuff said.

March 21, 2009

Slapping the Bass Mon.

I Love You, Man was actually really funny. You gotta love Paul Rudd and Jason Segel. Rashida Jones was pretty bad in the movie, but she's really hot so that made up for everything.

Haha Serge.

March 18, 2009

Who Wants To...

Donate to the:

Help Get Robert to Florida for Spring Break Fund.

or the........

Help Get Robert a Macbook Fund.

Pretty please?

I Just Finished Reading Watchmen.

It was actually really good. I didn't really like the ending, but overall it was awesome. I don't see myself liking the movie though.

March 13, 2009

I'm Sick.

After watching the Syracuse/Uconn game, I just got the worst case of March Madness!

Let's go Blue Devils!

Mike Collins Poetry Hour#3.

They just keep getting better week by week!

-On Liberty-

Chop 'em up, chop 'em!
Start the day with scrambled eggs-
Abortion is swell

-A Verse on Love... part 2-

Don't move. I see you.
Can't hide. Gloves, mask, chloroform-
Gonna rape you, bitch!

-How to Vanish Entirely from the Face of the Earth-

a flash... a soft bang...
love is but a still shadow
tickling on your door

-Shakespeare's Plumbing-

Sink is o'erflow'd
Spanish men: "both sides block, man..."
Double Pen'tration

-Dancing to Sufjan Stevens; Tight Jeans, Late Nights, Small Studio, Chill Music, Blue Pabst, Whole Foods; Brooklyn is the New Black; THE WASTE LAND-

Thin Zombies fuck slow...
Black-eyed angels discuss art-
smooth NYU grads

Fanged cannibals...
Sucking the blood of dark men-
Down is the new up

... a topsy-turvy
Terror... mushing all into
A meaningless void

Irony's clench'd fist
Rotting under volcanic
Pressure- pulp remains

A voyeuristic
Explosion of orgasmic
Organic abuse

Oozing pretension
and spilling rich crimson blood
onto gray pavement

Eating cadavers
of broken cliches- no faith...
no love...

All swirling down the
Dirty tubes of ironic
Waste and sludge- sewage

Twitching, black, burnt corpse-
Salivating cannibals
Are looming nearby

Where did it all go?
This is not where I'm from...
Death, death, death, death, death

March 12, 2009

I Got Chills. They're Multiplyin'!

High School Musical ain't got shit on Grease!

March 10, 2009

I love Lulu So Much!

Without her I wouldn't have seen this...

March 9, 2009

My Hero.

March 8, 2009

My Day Consisted of:

Waking up at like 2pm because of Daylight Savings.

The gym.

Halo3 with Jimmy Vic and Jewbaby. I knew I shouldn't have played that last fucking match.

And Die Hard With a Vengence.

I am not looking forward to the upcoming week.

March 5, 2009

Mike Collins Poetry Hour #2.

The man is a genius!

Orange Julius

Two lovers embrace
A harvest of passions, then-
Orange Julius(1)...
Orange Julius
54 up, 27 down love ithate it

When a male and female are engaged in sexual intercourse and a fat, black guy runs in and pukes all over them.
I gave that bitch an orange julius last night!

A Verse on Love

I’ll boil your cat, bitch-
'Tis the sunset of our love
Q.E.D. cocknut


It's a Friday night
My social life has withered-
Turn on my laptop...

March 2, 2009

School! School! I Like School!

Well not really, but I don't have a choice. It was
nice having a day off today thanks to the snow. Unfortunately it will only last a day. I can't wait to get out of the city in the fall. Hopefully I'll like being away. I'm sure I will miss Williamsburg though.

This was the view from my backyard today,
random, but really an awesome sight. ->

March 1, 2009

I Am Going on a Gears Of War Hiatus

For at least a day or two.

Fuck the Cogs.

Fuck the Locusts.

The Lancer is the fucking Devil.

But I must say, I will miss all the bullshit in my favor.


What We Got Here is a Failure to Communicate

Paul Newman is the fucking man. This is definitely the best movie I've seen in a long, long time.